Principles Of The Paradox
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All things yellow over time, unless or until a pioneer period causes the domain to become blue.
Mastery: A person with a blue star disposition needs yellow star habits (Trump, Tyson, Guy Spier, etc. – needed to buffer against distractions/drinks/drugs); a person with a yellow star disposition needs blue star moments (for inspiration and to avoid burnout).
At the far end of yellow star dysfunction, you have autism and OCD; at the far end of blue star dysfunction, you have schizophrenia and ADHD.
As a blue star, you need to supercompensate for the predisposition to pursue high-state value distraction activities by waking up early as a daily habit.
Blue stars do not age gracefully. One strategy to avoid the inevitable blue star blow-out is to target a soft landing into converting yourself or your company into more of a yellow star.
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